Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bila Al-Quran Mula Berbicara

Waktu engkau masih kanak-kanak.............
kau laksana kawan sejatiku
Dengan wudu', Aku kau sentuh
dalam keadaan suci, Aku kau pegang
Aku, kau junjung dan kau pelajari
Aku engkau baca dengan suara lirih atau
pun keras setiap hari
Setelah selesai engkau menciumku mesra

Sekarang engkau telah dewasa..............

Nampaknya kau sudah tak berminat lagi

Apakah Aku bahan bacaan usang yang
tinggal sejarah...?
Menurutmu, mungkin aku bahan bacaan
yang tidak menambah pengetahuanmu
Atau, menurutmu aku hanya untuk anak
kecil yang belajar
Sekarang, Aku tersimpan rapi sekali;
sehingga engkau lupa di mana Aku
Aku sudah engkau anggap hanya sebagai
pengisi setormu.
Kadang kala Aku dijadikan mas kawin agar
engkau dianggap bertaqwa
Atau Aku kau buat penangkal untuk
menakuti iblis dan syaitan
Kini Aku lebih banyak tersingkir, dibiarkan
dalam kesendirian ,
Di dalam almari, di dalam laci, aku engkau
Dulu... pagi-pagi... surah-surah yang ada
padaku engkau baca beberapa
Di waktupetang, Aku kau baca
beramai-ramai bersama temanmu di surau.....
Sekarang... seawal pagi sambil minum
kopi... engkau baca surat khabar
Waktu lapang engkau membaca buku
karangan manusia
Sedangkan Aku yang berisi ayat-ayat yang
datang dari Allah
Engkau engkau abaikan dan engkau
Waktu berangkat kerja pun kadang engkau
lupa baca pembuka
Di dalam perjalanan engkau lebih asyik
menikmati muzik duniawi
Tidak ada kaset yang berisi ayat Allah yang
terdapat di dalam
Sepanjang perjalanan, radiomu selalu
tertuju ke stasyen radio
Di meja kerjamu tidak ada Aku untuk kau
baca sebelum kau mulai kerja
Di Komputermu pun kau putar muzik favorite-mu

Jarang sekali engkau putar ayat-ayatku.........
E-mail temanmu yang ada ayat-ayatku pun
kau abaikan
Engkau terlalu sibuk dengan urusan duniamu
Benarlah dugaanku bahawa engkau kini
sudah benar-benar hampir melupaiku

Bila malam tiba engkau tahan bersekang
mata berjam-jam di depan TV.
Menonton siaran televisyen
Di depan komputer berjam-jam engkau
sanggup duduk
Hanya sekadar membaca berita murahan
dan gambar sampah
Waktupun cepat berlalu.........
Aku semakin kusam dalam laci-laci mu
Mengumpul debu atau mungkin dimakan hama
Seingatku, hanya awal Ramadhan engkau
membacaku kembali
Itupun hanya beberapa lembar dariku.
Dengan suara dan lafadz yang tidak
semerdu dulu
Engkaupun kini terangkak-rangkak ketika
Atau waktu kematian saudara atau taulanmu
Bila engkau di kubur sendirian menunggu
sampai kiamat tiba
Engkau akan diperiksa oleh para malaikat suruhanNya
Apakah TV, radio ,hiburan atau komputer
dapat menolong kamu?
Yang pasti ayat-ayat Allah s. w. t yang ada
padaku menolong mu
Itu janji Tuhanmu, Allah s. w. t
Sekarang engkau begitu enteng membuang
Setiap saat berlalu...
Dan akhirnya.....
kubur yang setia menunggu mu...........
Engkau pasti kembali, kembali kepada
Jika Aku engkau baca selalu dan engkau
Di kuburmu nanti....
Aku akan datang sebagai pemuda gagah
nan tampan.
Yang akan membantu engkau membela diri
Dalam perjalanan ke alam akhirat.
Dan Akulah "Al-Qur'an",kitab sucimu
Yang senantiasa setia menemani dan
Peganglah Aku kembali.. .. bacalah aku
kembali aku setiap hari.
Karena ayat-ayat yang ada padaku adalah
ayat-ayat suci.
Yang berasal dari Allah Azzawajalla
Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha
Yang disampaikan oleh Jibril melalui
Keluarkanlah segera Aku dari almari,
Letakkan aku selalu di depan meja kerjamu.
Agar engkau senantiasa mengingat
Sentuhilah Aku kembali...
Baca dan pelajari lagi Aku....
Setiap datangnya pagi, petang dan malam
hari walau secebis ayat
Seperti dulu.... Waktu engkau masih kecil
Di surau kecil kampungmu yang damai
Jangan aku engkau biarkan aku sendiri....
Dalam bisu dan sepi....

Mahabenar Allah, yang Mahaperkasa lagi Mahabijaksana.
"Dan orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami dan menyombongkan
diri terhadapnya, mereka itu penghuni-penghuni neraka. Mereka kekal didalamnya."(QS Al A'raaf [7] : 36).

The Best Love Letter

The Best Love Letter

Assalamualaikum dear brother's and this...

As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me,
even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for
something good that happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed you were
too busy, trying to find the right outfit to wear. When you ran around the
house getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and
say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to wait, fifteen
minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to
your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you ran to the phone and
called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. I watched patiently all
day long. With all your activities I guess you w ere too busy to say
anything to me.

I noticed that before lunch you looked around, may be you felt embarrassed
to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or
four tables o! ver and you noticed some of your friends talking to me
briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more
time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet. You went home and it
seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you
turned on the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything
goes there and you spend lot of time each day in front of it not thinking
about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you
watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me.

Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said good night to your family
you popped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may
not realize that I am always there for you. I've got patience, more than you
will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as

I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a
thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation.
Well, you are getting up once again. And once again I will wait, with
nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some time. Have
a nice day!

Your friend, ALLAH

PS - Do you have enough time to send this to another person

If you aren't ashamed to do this, please follow the directions.

Not ashamed? Pass this on......only if you mean it.

Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior. Allah keeps me
functioning each and everyday

Without Him, I will be nothing. Without him, I am nothing, but with Him This
is the simplest test . . . if you Love God, and are not ashamed of all the
marvelous things he has done for you, share this with everyone.

dedicate 2 HiM......mY sOuLmaTe...<33

Karena Ku Sayang Kamu (KKSK) - Dygta

seandainya kau ada disini denganku
mungkin ’ku tak sendiri
bayanganmu yg selalu menemaniku
hiasi malam sepiku
kuingin bersama dirimu

reff: kutak akan pernah berpaling darimu
walau kini kau jauh dariku
‘kan slalu kunanti
karena kusayang kamu

hati ini selalu memanggil namamu
dengarlah melatiku
kuberjanji hanyalah untukmu cintaku
takkan pernah ada yg lain

adakah rindu di hatimu
seperti rindu yg kurasa
sanggupkah kuterus terlena
tanpamu di sisiku
kukan selalu menantimu

iTs HuRts......

ahhaa...hmm rajennyer ak post kt my entry ni lately..huahuahua...erm actually got nothing 2 say...juz nk ckp ak tgh windooo kt dear...sgt2...sob3...thnx coz make me hepy...thnx coz make me smile ..laugh...n cry...hehehe sayang kamu sgt2..i'm missing u soo badly..n its really hurts! huhu....moge u hepy..bhgie..sehat slaloo amiin..~ may ALLAH BLESS u dear!!....i l.o.v.e u...

WiNdOOooo zAmaN PaKaI UnIfOrM skul??

Quotes Myspace Comments

Salam..hye evryone...hmm ttbe trajen plak nk update kn blog nie...its been quite bored lately...pejam celik pejam celik it almost 5 month ak dok mlangok kt umah ni without doin anything..waaa juz wasted my precious tyme..hmm...actually i'm missing all my members badly..waaaa...if can turn back tyme..ak nk sgt appreciate sume member2 ak..yer la..dulu xsempat..ske gler cr pasal hehe gado2 manje la katekn..hak3..byknyer knangan tyme skul erk...windooonyer kt my class...falahian always in memory!hehe..windoo sgt kt wanie,iem,adh,dolly,tika,mai,put3,umie,dbot,aspa,mars! geng falahian yg gler2..mishh bangat sama kamu sumer....boys falah pon..gue windo kamoo sumer..tmn gadoh ku..hehe...erm...igt x ble abesh skul jer..kompem kte cabot p DM dulu..hak3 even ustaz da warning..solat 1st! kpd kate Rasulullah...sekirenye lapar..makanlah dulu b4 b'ibadah..huhuhu soooo...dgn gamble+slumbernye geng2 falah jd VIP2 kt DM..hehehe sgt2 besh ble igt blk...hmm memory kt teluk sisik..camping!! sgt2 seronok...falah conquer evrything..yeahhh...sweet memoranda!! pastuh friendship day plaks,,cr psl tol kn our class,,,wat party larangan...hehe miss sapiah wat spot check pandai jek sume cover..lalalaa indahnyer!!!...falahian mmg bahagie...hepy family!!hmm wanna wish u all all da besh!! gudlux keyh...idop ngn korg ari2 wat ak jd makin matang..hehe idop biar ROCK kn hahaha...miss dat word! sayang sgt ngn kowg...(= really2 mish my besh3 fren....mieza biela iema intan..hehe 5skawan..windooo kt u all..pasni sume da tpisah jaoh erk..nway jgn luper sume memory kte 5taon nie...all da besh keyh..ssh nk cr member cm kowg...slaloo ade kt cc even ssh n sng...kite ktawe same2 nangeshh pon same2...share secrets same2..aduhaiii byknyer suke duke kite share same2 kn....friendship never will remains 4ever in my heart!!

yeahhh of coz windooo kt my dormates...INFO4..hehe pe cer dorm adeq2 ku..?mummy dorm ok?hebat cm akk x??hehe sgt2 windooo tyme kite bsame...share probs...share biskut hehehe...mcm2 la...jg dorm bek2..jg dr gaks...akk xkn lupe korg...blaja rajen2 taw..hehe...windoo kt senior2..k.milz,k.khadi,k.calin,k.biela,k.hasan,k.elly,k.zapp,k.della sob3....
zaty,jiha,sher,fathin.fatin,rafiq,anne....akk sgt windoo korg...moge adek2 sukses...jgn 'sodorm' k..hehehe...cyg kowg!

dorm Spm sumaiyah??sape kate xwindooo byk gler kenangan hehehe...rindooo sgt2 deh...xterkate...dorm plg besh ak rs...hua3..sampai maen2 tyme spm..pdn mukeeee ak..huhu pape pn kt dorm tuh ak blaja nilai persahabatan...sgt2 ar bnilai lau kowg nk tawu...persahabatan yg mwarne kn corak2 khidupan kter...baek kwn tuh baek la kte...wangi kwn tuh..wangi la kte...mucuk kwn tuh...ak ttp wangi..hahaha...hmmm sedey2 cm nk ulang blk je kn..hehe ley amek spm lg skali erk..wawawa...hek3...u all thnx sooo much...!!! biela, intan,mieza,suez,wanie,eb,pka,aziey,adhwa,put3,mars,fai,dibah,mass... windoo seyh.. bler nk hang out cm dulu agi??hehe papepon all da besh 4 u all future undertaking! AJI AJI ROCK!!!!!!!

hmmm....windooo arr kt batch...thnx n sorry 4evrything....SMSSI in memory..<0307>

doaku utk kalian..moge p'kenalan kite ari ini akn mberi sribu pngertian dlm idop ..mungkin hakikat perpisahan ssh nk hav 2...moge saat ini kalian sdg b'bhgie...hmm...moge kalian bjaye dunie n akhirat..insyaALLAH...salam psahabatn drku~

hmmm Miss my dear a lot....hmmm i'm juz confuse..

Miss You Myspace Comments

Miss You Myspace Comments

hye...(= lamenyer da x blogging..huhu erm..i'm currently listening 2 diz song...sedey larr...nape erk rs sedey...tah la..mcm2 ak pk...ak rs cam da jauh jer ngn dye...tah ler...sob3...confuse arr...hmm....whateverpon...ak windooo sgt2 kt dye...huuuu....


masih tertinggal bayanganmu yang telah membekas di relung hatiku hujan tanpa henti seolah bertanda cinta tak disini lagi kau telah berpaling

REFF: biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri engkau pergi aku takkan pergi kau menjauh aku takkan jauh sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu ooh oooh

masih adakah cahaya rindumu yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu meskipun kulihat kau kini diseberang sana


andai akhirnya kau tak juga kembali aku tetap sendiri menjaga hati REFF 2x sejujurnya aku masih mengharapkanmu oooh ooohh

My LifE ReCeNtLy..

Love Myspace Comments

sALam...Its BeEn a WhiLe I'm nOt bLoGging HerE...erm...hehehe nk ckp bzie xde la bzie mane saje blari jauh mncari ketenangan slps mcm2 bende happened...n its really makes me down...huh..sumtimes i felt dat life being so unfair 2 me...but i'm actually mistake coz wuts happens is come 4 a abt spm's result..huhu...i'm totally sad...not like as i expected...hancuss...hurmm...but as i said i believe dat everything happened there must be sumthing behind it ...n wut must i do is praying hard.. n juz waiting 4 its 2 i got some meaningful words..."Without Allah, I am no one. But with Allah, I can do everything. Allah is my strength..." yup!! its now talk abt my life recently..since last 2 weeks my fs kinda flooded wHeN pEoPlE Ask Me WuTs wRoNg..huh,,HoW Can I ExPlAin dIz FeElIng ItS Juz DAt,,,My HeArT HuRts!...n i'm bored enough 2 talk abt him..juz get him lost...!sOoo,,,plz stop asking me abt y ..bla..bla...n so forth,,okies...hmmm....hav u ever heard dat..ALLAH sngaje mnemukn kiter wif da wrong partner b4 we meet da right one..?? erm...n...i believe dats really true coz u noe wut...hmmm...spnjg i rs down gler...i met a 'friend' who r understands me well,,,when dat tyme i was out of control...he came n juz being there by my n night,,he was there..n still be there till diz second...he makes me smile...he makes my life become more brighter day by day....he makes a promise 2 never let me behind...he makes me laugh n even cry..huhu...but after all diz, i'm so confused...i'm still not sure how he feel bout me...i dont noe if he ever cried over me like i cried over him..da only thing i'm certain of is i'll never find another u dear...
date: 290308
venue: kG.alai infront pak utih's house

...kenangan trindah??yup...sweet memories...i'll never forget dat day..i miss u damn deeply dear..huhuhu...u r mine??hope soooo,,(=

~ i...L.o.V.E ...Y.o.U ~

I LoVe YoU FoR GiViNg YoUr HeArT To Me...
anD TrUsTIng mE wiTh YoUr PRiDe...
i LoVe YoU FoR WanTiNg Me...
aNd NeEdiNg Me bY yOuR sIdE...

i LoVe YoU FoR ThE EmOtIoNs...
i nEVeR kNeW I Had...
i loVE yOu FoR MAkinG mE sMiLe...
WhEnEvEr I FeEL sAd...

i LoVe YoU FoR YoUr ThOuGhts Of ME...
WhEre i'm AlWayS ON YoUr MiNd...
i LoVe YoU fOr FiNdInG tHAt ParT oF Me...
tHaT i NeVEr ThOuGht I'd FiNd...

i LoVe yOu FoR ThE WaY YoU ArE...
anD FoR HoW YoU mAkE Me FeEL...
bUt mOsT OF All..I LOVE YOU...
cUz I KnOw YoU ArE MiNe For ReAL...


~ A Thousand Y ears~

A Thousand Years
i'm willing to wait for you, a thousand years more but is my life going to last that long? let the north-west turn upside down, i'm not giving this up i'll be faithful to you
i'm willing to chase you, a thousand miles more but will my feet endure all the way there? let the bird's song become silent, let the ocean waves become tired i'm still here for you

are you sure that this is love? are you sure that this last forever? i'm willing to wait for you, a thousand years more but is my life going to last that long? let the north-west turn upside down, i'm not giving this up i'll be faithful to you
don't give up now, i'm still here for you